Strange... Lice attack a woman's Eye lashes

Ms Zhang, from Shandong in north east China, started experiencing itching and a seeping discharge in her left eye. She was initially unconcerned about her condition as she believed that she had an infection.
It was only when her son saw things moving in her eyelid that she was taken to a specialist, who found the insects. She then sought out an eye specialist for her extremely swollen and red left eye. Eye specialist, Dr. Bao Guisheng, found 20 'little worms' lying underneath the layer of white discharge in Ms Zhang's eye. Dr. Bao said even though the eye lice is extremely rare, Ms Zhang’s is not an isolated case.
The parasite, cysticercosis, is usually found in uncooked pork, but it can also grow in the human digestive system, muscles, brain and eyeballs. The discomfort should go away immediately after the lice are taken out and with suitable medication, the patient should fully recover. 

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