Vintage wine
worth almost £1.5 million has been stolen from the Royal Family’s supplier by
thieves who broke into a warehouse and crawled under laser beams – before
opening champagne to celebrate.
Using tactics
often seen in Hollywood heist movies, the gang put a ladder against the side of
the building to turn CCTV cameras the other way. They then
used power tools to cut a 4ft by 4ft hole in the wall before crawling under the
motion sensors which run along the side of the warehouse and trigger an alarm
if they detect movement.
After evading
the beams, they used wine crates as ladders to climb up to the level where the
most valuable vintages are stored. For 3 hours, they formed a chain and passed
wooden cases worth around £5,000 each along the floor before pushing them
through the hole and stacking them in their van.
Investigations are ongoing, but no arrests have been made.
Photo Credits: The Telegraph
Photo Credits: The Telegraph
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