It is only in your youth that you can make a difference. Forget about changing other people and focus on your life and your future.
If you watch talent shows, such as America’s Got Talent, Australia’s Got Talent, and China's Got Talent….(to name a few) you will see young people as old as 10 years ‘doing their thing.’ They started out early and by the time they are in their early 20’s they are a big hit. You will be surprised to see aged people too in their 50’s and above putting up breathtaking and emotional performances. Now, this is where my point lies. When the judges ask them where they have been all their lives because they have never heard or seen such extraordinary performances, their responses are usually heartbreaking. Some say they have always been afraid of failure all their lives, perhaps too self-conscious and were feeling they are not good enough while others cite that they thought nobody could listen to them. What a tragedy!!! Sometimes, we allow self-defeating behaviors to rob us of the possibility of having fulfilling lives.
Please, it’s time to stop that inner voice that tells you that you are not good enough. Give yourself a challenge, let your heart pump faster and even sweat if need be. Do you know what will happen with each experience? You will grow stronger moment after moment. Fear is the worst enemy one can have in this life. It has broken the many men and women. Most of our parents or relatives in their mid 50’s and 60’s are good examples. As many of them were civil servants, they were too afraid to venture into other businesses, even when they had the potential to do so. Today, you can see how they live.
Here is an example of my personal life. Just like I am writing these notes on my blog, I am aware that there are millions of blogs out there that probably have more interesting stuff to look at, but that will not stop me from doing it. I know someone will one day come across this and identify with my stories. It could be my wife, daughter, son, brother, sister, friend, mentor, or any other random person when I am still here or gone. I will still post regardless because these are some of the things I have learned so far, and maybe one person may come across this earlier in their life and make a difference (for themselves). I am just doing something (legal)with my free time.

There are already enough people trying to pull you down, so don’t join them. BE YOUR PROTECTOR.

If you want be a star- a singer, poet, stand-up comedian, dancer, e.t.c., and make it big, DO NOT LET YOUR EARLY TWENTIES PASS BY WITHOUT A DEBUT. You should better try and fail than fail to try at all because bowing to self-defeating voices will make you miss out your dream future. Did you know that the biggest percentage of our population is comprised of young people? These are the group of people that appeal to most businesses around and should a company need to advertise, they will only choose a young person, who is a star, and can influence their age group to buy the product or service they are selling. This is the age to make lots of money and secure your future. The way you live your 20’s determines your future.

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