The Global
Entrepreneurship Summit (GES) 2015 was one of the defining moments for Africa
and Kenya in particular. GES2015 gave Kenya a global platform to showcase its
readiness to do business with the rest of the world. With all the hype created
about the Beast and Air Force One, I am afraid most of us forgot what President
Obama’s visit was all about. I have taken some time to compile some of the punch
lines from the presidents, business leaders, and entrepreneurs who attended the
GES2015 just to remind and inspire you.
Barack Obama
- We have not inherited this land from our for-bearers we have borrowed it from our children.
- We don't plant a tree to enjoy the shade, but because our children will.
- In the end we are all part of one tribe... the human tribe.
- Kenya will not succeed if she treats women as 2nd class citizens.
- If half of your team is not playing you have a problem. In too many countries half of the team is women and children.
- Empowering women and girls and protecting them from violence will lead to stronger families, communities and countries. Any nation that fails to educate its girls and employ women is doomed to fall behind global economy.
- Progress requires we confront the dark corners of our past. Progress requires that you honestly confront the dark history of your country.
- Sustainable environment is not just the right thing to do; it's the practical thing to do.
- I am here as a friend who wants Kenya to succeed.
- Yes, you can make your dreams come true right here at home.
- Just coz something is part of your past doesn't mean it remains as part of your future.
- Embrace differences because diversity makes us stronger. We have to reject calls to be divided.
- When it comes to the people of Kenya particularly the youth, I believe there is no limitation to what they can accomplish.
- Let me make this easier than saying goodbye... let me say hello in advance for the next time I get to see you.
- Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.
Uhuru Kenyatta
- Kenya is a hotbed of vibrant culture, spectacular beauty, wonderful people and possibilities.
- Africa's relationship with the rest of the world must be premised on mutual benefit.
- Success is not about money. Do what you love to its best and set your goals right.
- Define what your success looks like, have a mentor, and surround yourself with people who have the same goals and mindset.
- Don’t wait for the perfect time, you will wait forever. Always take advantage of the time you are given and make it perfect for you.
- Listen to the voice within saying you can make it.
- Entrepreneurship is all about the power of belief.
is no longer about making money but changing lives - Jonathan Ortmans.
The difference
between dreams and success is dreams need effortless sleep and success needs
sleepless efforts – Akon.
Make money with
your partners, rather than from them - Ashish
Every child that
is born has the potential, all you have to do is kindle the human spirit and
ignite the fire - Iqbal Paroo.
Gender is not a deciding
factor in what you can and cannot do – Natalie
To build
something, you ultimately have to lead – Penny
Amina Mohammed
- Immense opportunities exist with contributions to help in the realization of major country policies, strategies and master plans in mining and manufacturing.
- Entrepreneurship is aimed at creating employment and contributing to the social and economic development of your countries.
- Kenya has one of the most progressive Bill Of Rights, with the most liberal provision for youth and women. Programs such as 'National Youth Service' and 'Maendeleo Ya Wanawake' exemplify this progressive trend in the empowerment of youth and women.
- Not being knowledgeable about investment opportunities, markets and how to create networks adds to youth & women perceived "incapacity and meekness.
- Rising youth unemployment and non-participation in decision making threatens social stability and sustainable development.
- Immense opportunities exist with contributions to help in the realization of major country policies, strategies and master plans in energy, tourism, and trade.
- My aspiration for you all is to keep the fire burning and maintain the momentum that you have today.
- African economies are growing 13% faster than any other economy in the world and this trend is projected to continue.
- Only you have the natural acumen to instinctively censor and seize a business opportunity and give what it takes to succeed.
- With a predominantly youthful population, any development program cannot be successful if it does not carter for the youth.
- Kenya's economy has been tapped by Bloomberg as the 3rd fastest growing economy in the world.
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